Tuesday, June 16, 2009

surprise, surprise

Well, I thought I should let everyone know that I am expecting. It was a true surprise! I just switched birth control from an iud (i don't recommend mirena) to the pill for medical reasons. A month and a half later I am pregnant! Wow! I was sure the lab tests were wrong. (yes, i work in the lab and tested myself.) So I was very excited and still in shock for a little while, and then got sick, sick, sick. I really am having a hard time even planning for the little one. I have tried two medications, and am barely getting by on 3 doses of zofran a day. Can they put me in a coma until december? Poor Hazen doesn't get out of the house much, all we do in read and draw...and smash cars with monster trucks, of course. He does get fed though...every two hours I try to munch on something and he likes to try some. I really think this one is a girl. Hazen was such a great pregnancy. Got sick once, and felt great other than that. This time I just wish I could get out of the fetal position to do the housework and do work at my job. The good news is that I am now 13 weeks along, and the sickness should be going away, or at least easing up, hopefully. We had an 8 week unltrasound, and everything is great and no, it is not twins. My doctor thought that could be a reason I am so sick, and I about peed my pants when she mentioned it. All the suffering will be worth it come December 30th. It better not be late, I need the tax write off! :) Anyway, hopefully it will pass and I can start planning for a little girl! Jed is excited and has a pretty easy schedule in january so he can be around to help. Hazen seems ok with it too. He brings me his little doll (we used it for potty training use) and holds it carefully and says baby. He will be a good big brother.


Matt & Ali said...

CONGRATS!!!!CONGRATS!!!! I saw your family at the H.S. queen deal and they told me that you were soooo sick. I am sorry. That stinks! I am sure she will be a darling lil thing!
miss ya

Bree said...

Even though I arleady knew Congrats! Shauna told me in S.C. you were super sick, I feel your pain! Hopefully it will get better for you. I hope it's a girl, do you knw what Brad had? Or have they had it yet?

hodgkinsons said...

December 30! HOld out till Jan 2 and she can share Kendall's birthday!

Katie said...
