Monday, November 30, 2009

A little Depressed

I have no pictures, because I have no camera. Where did it go? I looked everywhere. I feel like this growing baby is zapping all my energy. I can't do anything productive. Hazen thinks I'm lame. I sleep a total of 4 hours a night total, mostly waking up every 30 minutes to turn over or readjust higher onto my mountain of pillows to try to keep the heartburn down, or go pee, ect. I want the baby to come, but wait, my husband is in galveston for two more weeks. I worked at the hospital on Thanksgiving, I killed one of Jed's coral in his tank. All the christmas decorations are stuck in the attic. BUT......

I am thankful that my mother in law could come and help me paint the baby room, it looks great. I have very supportive family. My neighbor threw me a wonderful shower and some of my best friends came. I have a good job that will pay for the baby. I have a hardworking husband that does all that he can to work hard and secure our future. And there are about 30 other corals in the tank that have survived. Hazen is a good boy who has a quick mind and a great memory. I'm healthy.

Why do I complain... I have so much to be grateful for. I hope its just pregnancy hormones that will go away soon......

1 comment:

Bree said...

Don't feel bad I felt a little depressed too, after all the hugeness, barfing, heartburn, no sleep, and everything else the light at the end of the tunnel isn't very bright, just remember at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel right!?